Pan-American Advanced
Studies Institute (PASI):
the Americas
5-18 May 2013
Managua and Leon, Nicaragua
Meeting Presentations
Magma-Tectonic Interactions: Overview; Geophysical Methods
John Stix: Magma-Tectonic Interactions [PDF - 3.1 MB]
Pete LaFemina: Magma-Tectonic Interactions in Central America [PDF - 109 MB]
Halldor Geirsson: Tectonic and Volcanic Geodesy [PDF - 29 MB]
Chuck Connor: Statistical Analysis of Volcanic Fields [PDF - 40 MB]
Angelica Munoz: Interacción Magma y Tectonismo en las Américas [PDF - 13 MB]
Armando Saballos: Estudios de Gravimetría y Geodesia en el volcán Concepción, Nicaragua [PDF - 6 MB]
Tectonic and Volcanic Geodesy: GPS data analysis with GAMIT
Tom Herring: Tutorial: Basic Processing [PDF - 350 KB]
Tom Herring: Tutorial: GLOBK Process [PDF - 350 KB]
Tom Herring: PASI GAMIT/GLOBK Workshop Introduction [PDF - 1 MB]
Tom Herring: GAMIT: Daily GPS Processing [PDF - 400 KB]
Tom Herring: Models [PDF not yet available]
Tom Herring: GLOBK Combination Methods [PDF - 150 KB]
Tom Herring: Reference Frame Realization [PDF - 11.4 MB]
Volcano-Tectonic Seismicity lectures
Nicholas van der Elst: Earthquake Triggering [PDF - 14.2 MB]
Greg Waite: Overview of volcano seismology - Event types, classification schemes, use in eruption forecasting [PDF - 14 MB]
Diana Roman and Greg Waite: Volcano Seismology and a little infrasound [PDF - 23 MB]
Diana Roman: VT Earthquakes [PDF - 6.5 MB]
Overview of Geochemical and Petrologic Tools for Investigating MTI's
Marc-Antoine Longpré: Petrological Tools for Investigating Magma-Tectonic Interactions [PDF - 54.3 MB]
Julie Roberge: Volatile solubility models and their application to magma storage and transport in the mantle and the crust [PDF - 5.6 MB]
Mike Burton: Volcanic gas studies to infer magma dynamics, transport and storage [PDF - 11.5 MB]
Toby Fischer: Geochemistry and isotopic characterization of volcanic gases for source, degassing, and MTI studies [PDF - 44 MB]
Integrating Geochemical and Geophysical Studies; Stress Triggering lectures; Coulomb 3.3
Volkan Sevilgen (USGS): Modeling Stress and Strain Triggering Using Coulomb 3.3 [PDF - 21.5 MB]
Luis E. Lara: Tectonic Controls on Volcanism in Southern Andes [PDF - 38.6 MB]
Stress Triggering Studies Using Coulomb 3.3
Pete La Femina: Magma-‐Tectonic Interactions – Static Stress Triggering